How to Have a Kid Friendly Thanksgiving

November 21, 2018 3 min read 1 Comment

How to Have a Kid Friendly Thanksgiving blog graphic


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is a day designated to stop and think about everything we are thankful and grateful while gathering with friends and family to eat turkey and watch football.  This year, I am striving to make my Thanksgiving more kids- friendly. I no longer want to see a group of bored cousins sitting at the kiddie table. Here are my Top 5 Tips to Make Your Thanksgiving Kid- Friendly!

1. Make a kids only table

From the plates and cups to the table covering, everything should be kid-sized and kid-friendly. I bought this adorable Color In Thanksgiving tablecloth for the kids table. The kids will love being able to color on the table. It also makes clean up easy, just toss is in the trash when dinner is over!  I also found these super cute "I'm Thankful For___" place matsat Target. This is a fun way to get the little ones to think about what they are thankful for this year. 

2. Kid- Friendly Thanksgiving food

If your child is a picky eater, have a discussion with your child before dinner and tell them what to expect on the dinner table. A little information on what each food is and how it's prepared can go a long way toward making new foods palatable to your kids. Also be sure to make a few kid- friendly food treats. My favorite treat to make are Turkey Brownies! I found the recipehere. It is super easy and the kids will love them!

3. Thanksgiving themed games

If you are worried your little ones will not be able to sit through a long dinner, have them play a few games at the kids table. Here  are some easy, fun Thanksgiving games you could have the kids play during or after dinner.

  • Thanksgiving Bingo.   Print bingo cards onto separate sheets of card stock. Instead of spelling “bingo” across the top, though, write “feast." Have the oldest child at the table call out bingo numbers. If there are very young children playing, use pictures instead of numbers or letters in the squares. For example, use clip-art pictures of turkeys, the Mayflower ship, and pilgrims.
  • Guessing Game. Set out a glass jar full of Thanksgiving candy pieces and have the kids guess how many are inside at the beginning of dinner. When everyone is done eating, open up the jar and count the objects to reveal the person who was closest to the actual amount as the winner and will receive the jar of candy.

4. Create Family Traditions

Think of other traditions you can incorporate into Thanksgiving to make it fun, such as an annual family football game or a morning "turkey trot" with the whole family.  Another idea is to make watching the parade on television a Thanksgiving morning ritual, or have the kids create a fun little parade of their own through the house or yard. You can also help children learn the meaning of Thanksgiving by reading books about it during the days leading up to the holiday. My favorite book for my older kids to read is "Thanksgiving on Thursday" from the Magic Tree House series. But it here.

5. Get the kids involved 

Kids love to cook, and will love helping grandma or mom out even more.  Almost any recipe has steps even young children can handle. Let them sprinkle marshmallows on top of the candied yams, or show them how to mash potatoes. Put the older kids in charge of setting the table. They can make place cards ahead of time or other Thanksgiving themed table pieces. The moments before dinner is served can be stressful for many Thanksgiving hosts. It’s a tricky task to get everything on the table on time and at the right temperature. Plan some activities to occupy the children during that time, like gathering to watch a Thanksgiving-themed DVD, such as A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

1 Response


November 19, 2018

I’m so thankful for my husband & daughter and the time we get to spend together & opportunities like these

If we could chould choose it’d be the patchwork plaid patchwork boho dress 🥰

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