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  • Meet the Team - Sydney So Sweet

    June 15, 2023 1 min read 1 Comment

    Meet the Team at Sydney So Sweet, Where Awesomeness Happens

    Meet the Team


    sydney so sweet CEO jennifer greenlees

    Job Title: CEO
    AKA: Miss Attitude. The "No Mom" when refusing to take her kids to Sky Zone EVERY weekend. "Mom the Legend" when at Sky Zone with her kids.

    Jen is the founder and CEO of Sydney So Sweet. She is responsible for overseeing all operations at Sydney So Sweet. She is also the lead buyer for the company.  Jen and her husband have 5 kids, and live in Ohio.

    Fun Fact: Jen has an M.Ed. in science education, and a B.S. in biology. She was a high school chemistry for 16 years before leaving to run Sydney So Sweet full time.


    sydney so sweet president Jay Greenlees

    Job Title: President
    AKA: the Pilot

    Jay manages the company finances. He is also responsible for all of the heavy lifting, shoveling of snow, assembling of IKEA office furniture, trash removal, reaching of boxes on the top shelf, and anything else we need him to do.

    Fun Fact: Jay is also a full time pilot for FedEx Express. He flies the MD11. It is really, really big.  

    Ava (retired)

    Ava's Employee Picture

    Job Title: Model
    AKA: Ava G.

    Ava is the only member of our team who actually fits in our clothes, so it's up to her to try on new items and model when we need content. She has turned into quite the negotiator, and is usually able to talk us into buying her Big Macs for lunch in exchange for photos.

    Fun Fact
    : Ava is terrified of all bugs including ants and flies. 

    1 Response


    October 24, 2019

    hi this is ur daughter

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