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  • Fall Decorating: Top Tips to Make Your Home Cozy for Fall

    September 07, 2018 2 min read

    Top Tips to Make Your Home Cozy for Fall

    Fall Decorating: Top Tips to Make Your Home Cozy for Fall

    Happy Fall! Labor Day has come and gone an the only thing on my mind is getting ready for the cooler season ahead. Fall is one of my favorite times of year, mostly because I love to make my home cozy! The season is all about warmth and comfort, and isn't that what our homes should be all about? Grab a pumpkin spice latte and get cozy while you learn how to add cozy warmth to your home!

    Fall Decorating Secret

    Instead of decorating every square inch of your house, have a focal point. This will save money on decorations and also save your house from collecting clutter. If you have a fireplace mantel, an entry table, or a coffee table, these will all be great places to create some fall cozy. Beth at ‘Home Stories A to Z‘ can teach you exactly how to create a simple and cozy seasonal vignette!

    The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about a cozy fall home is candles! Burning a pumpkin scented candle is a must to create a cozy aroma in my home.
    If you are artsy, these crochet pumpkins are easy and a fun way to make your home cozy for fall! Learn how to create them here. Your daughter can join in on the fun in our adorable and comfy pumpkin stripe green tunic scarf outfit.
    A decorated front porch make a home look so inviting. My favorite porch decorations include fresh mums, a few bales of straw, pumpkins, corn stalks, and a friendly scare crow.


    I hope you are feeling inspired to make your home cozy for fall! How are you going to decorate your home this autumn? 

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