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  • Styling Your Little Firecracker For Independence Day

    June 12, 2019 3 min read

    Styling Your Little Firecracker For Independence Day graphic

    Styling Your Little Firecracker For Independence Day

    The 4th of July is one of the most wholesome occasions of the year. Yes, it’s a celebration of our amazing country, but it’s more than that: it’s also a great chance to get together with family and share some joy. We bet your little girl is excited for all the fireworks, cake, parades and delightful summer activities she’ll get to experience that day.

    Dressing your little baby up in 4th of July outfits is one of the easiest ways to help her get in the mood for 4th of July festivities. As your low-cost provider of all clothes cheerful and little, it would be our pleasure to help you dress your baby girl in cute patriotic clothes that she can freely play and romp in. Depending on your little girl’s age and taste, we have lots of 4th of July themed looks for you to choose from.

    1. Casual Play Dress

    No 4th of July baby outfit balances fun and fancy quite so well as a simple play dress. Roomy dress styles such as A-line dresses, baby doll dresses, shift dresses and tent dresses allow plenty of room for her to move her arms and legs around – necessary for parade-going and flag-waving! They’ll also keep her cool and breezy.

    We offer plenty of dresses emblazoned with cute logos or red, white and blue designs. You can also go for our adorable patriotic dress outfit sets.

    2. Comfy Tutu Look

    The comfy, affordable tutus by Sydney So Sweet are perfect for little girls who love to play. They’re fancy, too: there’s no need to buy a formal dress when a multicolor tutu can make your child feel just as glamorous. For a 4th of July baby outfit she won’t stop twirling in, dress your little girl in a red, white and blue shirt-and-tutu outfit or tutu dress. To make the outfit more play-ready, we recommend wearing leggings or leg warmers underneath the tutu.

    3. Cute As A Button Romper

    hadley baby baseball outfit

    For truly little girls such as newborns, we recommend choosing highly practical patriotic baby girl clothes such as a romper or jumpsuit. In a one-piece 4th of July baby outfit, your child will be able to kick her legs about and crawl around at will without her clothes getting in the way. With convenient snap enclosures at the legs, our rompers and jumpsuits also keep diaper and outfit changes easy, so that you can focus on enjoying the festivities.

    4. Sports-Ready Tank & Shorts

    Ava 4th of july baseball outfit

    Dresses are fun, but what if you have something active planned for your day, such as a hike, a visit to the amusement park, or a family sports tournament? Sometimes, shorts are hands-down the way to go. Good thing we offer plenty of red, white and blue shorts that work great with 4th of July baby outfits.

    5. Baseball Fan Outfit

    unicorn baseball outfit

    For so many Americans, baseball is an integral part of 4th of July festivities. Watching a major or minor league game on the holiday is a great tradition that brings not just your family but the whole baseball-loving community together. If you plan on taking your little girl to a game this Independence Day, check out our cute 4th of July baseball themed baby outfits to turn her into the cutest little fan at the stadium!

    Bonus: Don’t Forget Accessories!

    The above outfits are great on their own, but for an extra pop of color (or some easy sun protection), accessories are a must. We have plenty of red, white and blue accessories for you to pair with her patriotic baby girl clothes including:

    So get into personal stylist mode and help your child mix-and-match her way to the celebratory 4th of July baby outfit of her dreams. It doesn’t have to be perfectly coordinated, either – some of the best festive outfits are wacky, mismatched and full of character!

    Get Ready For The 4th Of July

    Holidays break the routine of daily life. Adults and little ones alike should go all out on such occasions. To a growing little girl, the 4thof July is a day to go totally nuts about. With an adorable outfit on, she’ll not just be ready for the party but BE the party.

    We recommend shopping early for all your 4thof July needs. Shop 4th of July baby outfits now and get free shipping on every order!

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