6 Ways To Keep Your Kids Active and Off The Couch This Summer

May 28, 2019 2 min read

6 Ways To Keep Your Kids Active and Off The Couch This Summer

6 Ways To Keep Your Kids Active This Summer

kids in swimming pool

School is finally out for summer. Your kids finally get a break from getting up early, homework, and a real schedule.Us parents also get a break from taxiing our kids back and forth to their extracurricular activities. Hallelujah!

Whether you're a working parent or one that stays home with the kids, when summer starts we all start asking ourselves the same question. What are we going to do all summer to keep them occupied and off the couch?

Instead of taking the easy route out and handing out kids an electronic to play on all day, (which is okay sometimes), here are some ideas to keep them from becoming lazy and laying on the couch all day:

  1. Head to your local park. Most parks have biking and hiking trails you can easily access. Biking and hiking is a great way to get the whole family active! Parks also have a playground that your kids could play on for hours without getting bored.
  2. Check out your local museums. I know my kids love to go to our science museum to do all the fun brainstorming activities. A lot of museums offer a day during the week for free admission, so be sure to check and see when that offer is for your museum.
  3. Go to the local swimming pool. Or find a friend in the neighborhood that is nice enough to invite your kids over to play in their pool. Pack some snacks, a healthy lunch, and make a day out of it!
  4. Set up a sprinkler and slipping slide. This is the easiest way to get kids outside and in the sun.
  5. Teach them how to cook. When my kids help me cook they are also more likely to try whatever we made. This is also a great life skill that needs to be taught!
  6. Sign your child up for recreational sports programs. Churches, community centers, and schools usually host events for kids all summer long. It is a great idea for endless hours of fun!

I hope you all have a fun and safe summer! What do you do to keep your kids off the couch all day in the summer? Let me know in the comments below! While the kiddos are playing, shop the website here. 

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